
Frequently Asked Questions

Beneath you can find answers to the most common questions.

Please browse carefully for the things you want to know!


Where can I find nearest BCD in my area?

Please check out "Location" on our website to find the nearest official BCD restaurant near your area.

Do you sell gift cards?

Yes, we have different options available. Please checkout your nearest BCD branch for further details!

How much should I expect to spend on a meal?

Around $20-$40 dollars per person which varies in range from just our tofu soup and appetizers to our combo menu.

Are you vegetarian friendly?

Tofu Soup can be prepared 100% Vegetarian, as well as other select menu items. If you wish to have your soup prepared without meat, simply make a request to your server.

While we try to accommodate as many dietary needs as possible, each location has its own limitations.

Please make sure to ask your server for other dietary restrictions!

Do you have catering services?

Unfortunately, we do not offer catering service at this time.

Do you serve alcohol?

All locations serve alcohol except: Torrance and Rowland Heights

What are BCD's Hours?

 All locations have various opening and close hours. Please check our “Locations” page for more details on your nearest BCD branch.

Does BCD Deliver?

If you are within range, we do have delivery option available when you order online with us via Chownow. We are also available on various delivery platforms such as UberEats, DoorDash, Grubhub/Seamless, and Chowbus.  

Business Expansion?

Due to the love and attention of our customers, we are always fielding questions about expanding to new locations. At this time, BCD does not operate on a franchise model as we are a family run business nor do we have any future plans to do so. We are always grateful for suggestions for new locations and interest in BCD’s growth. Our family always looks carefully before making any decision to open new locations so that we can best represent our top notch taste, quality, and service to all our fans.

Can I make a reservation?

Sorry, we do not take reservations. However, please call in advance for very large parties (20+) as we try to accommodate depending on time, location, and availability.

What kind of foods does BCD serve?

We serve a variety of Soon Tofu( spicy hot tofu soup), and other popular Korean dishes, such as Galbi (BBQ Short Rib) and Bibimbap (Mixed rice & vegetables). While the core base of menu stays the same, each location may have additional menu items that are not available at other locations!

What does BCD Stand For?

BCD is an acronym for Buk Chang Dong, a district in Korea well known for its prosperity. To know more about us and our history, check out our “About Us” page.